This page lists articles used in the making of the talk “An Occult History of Computing”. (See publications.)

Sources with a ⭐ are those that I particularly enjoyed.

The PowerPoint slides are available here.

Title Slide

Intro: see articles on the rise of occult practices.

General Reading

Stuff I only browsed

Works by ⭐ Frances Yates

Hermes Trismegistus



The Search for the Perfect Language


⭐ Jorge Luis Borges wrote articles and stories inspired by the things mentioned here:

⭐ Aphyr (author of Jepsen) has some excellent magic/programming stories:

On computerized gematria/cabbala, see the novel Unsong.

Technopagans & Cyberspace


Stuff I cut:

Jevons, Peirce, Marquand