1 Attribute

Lasers & Feelings (2013)

A single attribute ranging between 2 (FEELINGS) and 5 (LASERS).

3 Attributes

Advanced Fighting Fantasy (1989) & derived games

Determined by rolling:

  1. Skill (1d6 + 6)
  2. Stamina (2d6 + 12)
  3. Luck (1d6 + 6)

Best Left Buried (2018)

  1. Brawn
  2. Wit
  3. Will

The One Ring (2011)

  1. Body (physical aptitude)
  2. Heart (force of spirit)
  3. Wits (mental aptitude)

Into the Odd (2014)

Also: Maze Rats 0.1 (2015), Maze Rats 4.3 (2016), Cairn 1e (2020), Mausritter (2019).

Determined by rolling 3d6:

  1. Strength (STR)
  2. Dexterity (DEX)
  3. Willpower (WIL)

Maze Knaves (2020) substitutes Wisdom (WIS) for WIL.

Electric Bastionland (2020)

Determined by rolling 3d6:

  1. Strength (STR)
  2. Dexterity (DEX)
  3. Charisma (CHA)

4 Attributes

Ghostbusters games

Called “Traits”. Assign 12 points (min 1, max 5):

  1. Brains
  2. Muscles
  3. Moves
  4. Cool

Shadow of the Demon Lord (2015)

  1. Strength
  2. Will
  3. Agility
  4. Intellect

GURPS & derived games

Determined by rolling 3d6 or point-buy:

  1. Strength (ST)
  2. Dexterity (DX)
  3. Intelligence (IQ)
  4. Health (HT)

Year Zero Engine games

  1. Strength
  2. Agility
  3. Wits
  4. Empathy

Mörk Borg (2019)

Determined by rolling 3d6:

  1. Strength
  2. Agility
  3. Presence
  4. Toughness

Dogs in the Vineyard (2004)

  1. Acuity
  2. Body
  3. Heart
  4. Will

5 Attributes

7th Sea 2e (2016)

Called “Traits” (all start at 2 and can increase 2 pts):

  1. Brawn
  2. Finesse
  3. Resolve
  4. Wits
  5. Panache


  1. Size (SIZ)
  2. Dexterity (DEX)
  3. Strength (STR)
  4. Constitution (CON)
  5. Appearance (APP)

6 Attributes

D&D & derived games

Also: Swords & Wizardry (2008), The Black Hack v1.2 (2016), GLOG -1.0 (2016), Knave 1e (2018), Five Torches Deep (2019), Whitehack 3e (2021).


In OD&D the referee rolls!

Roll 3d6:

  1. Strength (STR)
  2. Intelligence (INT)
  3. Wisdom (WIS)
  4. Constitution (CON)
  5. Dexterity (DEX)
  6. Charisma (CHA)

In AD&D 1e (1977) four methods are offered with the most common being 4d6 drop lowest.

Unearthed Arcana (1985) has a per-class method.

The Black Hack v1.2 (2016) uses 3d6 but if 14+ is rolled, next attribute is 7. Can then swap two attributes.

GLOG -1.0 (2016) rolls 4d4, modifier is .

Knave 1e (2018) rolls 3d6 pick-lowest to determine modifier.

Traveller (1977)

Roll 2d6:

  1. Strength: both physical force & ability
  2. Dexterity: physical coördination
  3. Endurance: stamina & determination
  4. Intelligence: general intelligence
  5. Education: highest level of schooling
  6. Social Standing: class/level of society

Gamma World 1e (1978)

Roll 4d6 drop lowest:

  1. Mental Strength
  2. Intelligence
  3. Dexterity
  4. Charisma
  5. Constitution
  6. Physical Strength


  1. Strength
  2. Deftness
  3. Speed
  4. Health
  5. Wit
  6. Will

Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game

  1. Dexterity – balance, coördination
  2. Knowledge – common sense, academic
  3. Mechanical – driving, riding
  4. Perception – noticing
  5. Strength – strength, endurance, health
  6. Technical – repair, modify

Dungeon Crawl Classics (2012)

Roll 3d6:

  1. Strength
  2. Agility
  3. Stamina
  4. Personality
  5. Intelligence
  6. Luck

7 Attributes

RuneQuest 1e (1978) & derived games

Either roll 3d6 or spend 80 points:

  1. Strength (STR)
  2. Intelligence (INT)
  3. Power (POW)
  4. Constitution (CON)
  5. Dexterity (DEX)
  6. Charisma (CHA)
  7. Size (SIZ)

In RuneQuest 2e (1979) these are rearranged to group physical attributes, and the same set is used in Basic Roleplaying 2e (1980):

  1. Strength (STR)
  2. Constitution (CON)
  3. Size (SIZ)
  4. Intelligence (INT)
  5. Power (POW)
  6. Dexterity (DEX)
  7. Charisma (CHA)

In RuneQuest 3e (1984) Charisma is renamed Appearance, and this is retained in Basic Roleplaying 3e (2002) and BRP 4e (see next).

In Mongoose (2006) Charisma returns, and remains in Mongoose (2010) and RuneQuest 6e (2012).

Skills: Idea (INT×5 in 2e or ×3 in 3e), Luck (POW×5), Dodge (DEX×5), Persuade (???).

Neoclassical Geek Revival 1e (2019)

Roll 3d6 and additionally spend 10 points, or spend 80 points:

  1. Strength
  2. Agility
  3. Health
  4. Perception
  5. Intelligence
  6. Charisma
  7. Will

Low Fantasy Gaming (2016)

  1. Strength
  2. Dexterity
  3. Constitution
  4. Intelligence
  5. Perception
  6. Willpower
  7. Charisma

8 Attributes

Chill (1984)

  1. Strength (STR)
  2. Dexterity (DEX)
  3. Agility (AGL)
  4. Willpower (WPR)
  5. Personality (PER)
  6. Perception (PCN)
  7. Luck (LUCK)
  8. Stamina (STA)

Call of Cthulhu 7e (2014)

  1. STR
  2. CON
  3. SIZ
  4. DEX
  5. APP
  6. INT
  7. POW
  8. EDU

Symbaroum (2016)

  1. Accurate
  2. Cunning
  3. Discreet
  4. Persuasive
  5. Quick
  6. Resolute
  7. Strong
  8. Vigilant

gold (2020)

  1. Strength (STR)  – determines Effort roll (×5)
  2. Constitution (CON) – determines Stamina roll
  3. Size (SIZ) – gives damage bonus (based on STR & SIZ)
  4. Intelligence (INT) – determines Idea roll
  5. Power (POW) – determines Luck roll
  6. Dexterity (DEX) – determines Agility roll
  7. Appearance (APP) – determines Charisma roll
  8. Education (EDU) – optional, determines Know roll

Derived: HP is AVG(CON, SIZ), XP bonus is INT/2, Wounds = HP/2, Power Points = POW.

8/9 Attributes

Shadowrun 1e (1989)

Followed by Shadowrun 2e (1992) & Shadowrun 3e (1998).

Values fixed by class (“archetype”) in 1e:


  1. Body
  2. Quickness
  3. Strength


  1. Charisma
  2. Intelligence
  3. Willpower


  1. Essence (starts at 6)
  2. (Magic)
  3. Reaction (= Q+I/2)

Shadowrun 4e (2005) & Shadowrun 5e (2013)


  1. Body (BOD)
  2. Agility (GI)
  3. Reaction (REA)
  4. Strength (STR)


  1. Charisma (CHA)
  2. Intuition (INT)
  3. Logic (LOG)
  4. Willpower (WIL)


  1. Edge
  2. Essence (starts at 6)
  3. Magic or Resonance

Derived: Initiative (REA + INT)

Storyteller System games


  1. Strength
  2. Dexterity
  3. Stamina


  1. Charisma
  2. Manipulation
  3. Appearance


  1. Perception
  2. Intelligence
  3. Wits

See Also

See James Maliszewski’s articles about ability scores: