Note that this only lists the TTRPG awards.
RPG awards not given.
2017 (12th)
Game of the Year: Tales From The Loop
2016 (11th)
Game of the Year: 7th Sea 2e (2016)
2015 (10th)
Game of the Year: Blades in the Dark (2017)
2014 (9th)
Game of the Year: D&D 5e (2014)
2013 (8th)
Game of the Year: Fate Core System (2013)
2012 (7th)
Game of the Year: Dungeon World (2012)
2011 (6th)
Game of the Year: Apocalypse World
2010 (5th)
Game of the Year: The Dresden Files
RPG awards were not given before 2010.