This article collects an index to games discussed on this site. The term “family” is very broad and includes actual publisher families or “strong inspirations”, or even systems — sometimes it is hard to draw a line here.
This list is not comprehensive and is highly biased to my own preferences/research interests!
- Maze Rats Revised (2024)
- Whitehack 4e (2023)
- Deathmatch Island (2023)
- Mothership 1e (2023)
- Errant (2022)
- Into the Odd remastered (2022)
- Cy_Borg (2022)
- Whitehack 3e (2021)
- The One Ring (2021)
- Neoclassical Geek Revival 2e (2021)
- Electric Bastionland (2020)
- Mausritter Expanded Edition (2020)
- Cairn 1e (2020)
- Maze Knaves (2020)
- The Lavender Hack (2020)
- Basic Roleplaying 4e - Gold (2020)
- AGON 2e (2020)
- Fate Condensed (2020)
- Mörk Borg (2019)
- Old School Essentials (2019)
- Mausritter (2019)
- Maze Rats 5.3 (2019)
- Troika! (2019)
- Five Torches Deep (2019)
- Neoclassical Geek Revival 1e (2019)
- Macchiato Monsters (2018)
- Knave Rats (2018)
- Knave 1e (2018)
- Forbidden Lands (2018)
- Spiked Goblin Punch (2018)
- Mothership 0e (2018)
- Best Left Buried (2018)
- Ironsworn (2018)
- RuneQuest 7e (2018)
- The Black Hack v1.2 (2016)
- Maze Rats 4.3 (2016)
- GLOG -1.0 (2016)
- Low Fantasy Gaming (2016)
- Exalted 3e (2016)
- Symbaroum (2016)
- 7th Sea 2e (2016)
- Blades in the Dark (2017)
- Coriolis 1e (2016)
- Maze Rats 0.1 (2015)
- Shadow of the Demon Lord (2015)
- Whitehack 2e (2015)
- Into the Odd (2014)
- Call of Cthulhu 7e (2014)
- Lasers & Feelings (2013)
- 13 Age 1e (2013)
- Fate Core System (2013)
- Shadowrun 5e (2013)
- Whitehack 1e (2013)
- Fate Accelerated (2013)
- Dungeon Crawl Classics (2012)
- RuneQuest 6e (2012)
- Dungeon World (2012)
- World of Dungeons (2012)
- The One Ring (2011)
- RuneQuest 5e (2010)
- Diaspora (2009)
- RuneSlayers rev (2009)
- Swords & Wizardry (2008)
- Spirit of the Century (2006)
- RuneQuest 4e (2006)
- Exalted 2e (2006)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2e (2005)
- Shadowrun 4e (2005)
- Pendragon 5e (2005)
- Dogs in the Vineyard (2004)
- FATE 2e (2003)
- Basic Roleplaying 3e (2002)
- Adventure! (2001)
- Exalted 1e (2001)
- 7th Sea 1e (1999)
- Shadowrun 3e (1998)
- Vampire - The Masquerade rev (1998)
- RuneQuest - Slayers (1998)
- Star Wars 2e rev (1996)
- Fudge (1995)
- Theatrix (1995)
- Castle Falkenstein (1994)
- GURPS 3e revised (1994)
- Pendragon 4e (1993)
- Shadowrun 2e (1992)
- Vampire - The Masquerade 2e (1992)
- Star Wars 2e (1992)
- D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991)
- Vampire - The Masquerade 1e (1991)
- Pendragon 3e (1990)
- AD&D 2e (1989)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy (1989)
- Ghostbusters International (1989)
- Shadowrun 1e (1989)
- MegaTraveller (1987)
- Star Wars - The Roleplaying Game (1987)
- Ghostbusters (1986)
- GURPS 1e (1986)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (1986)
- Pendragon 1e (1985)
- Chill (1984)
- Rolemaster 2e (1984)
- RuneQuest 3e (1984)
- BECMI D&D (Mentzer, 1983)
- Call of Cthulhu 2e (1983)
- B-X D&D (1981)
- Bushido 2e (1981)
- The Arduin Adventure (1981)
- Call of Cthulhu 1e (1981)
- Basic Roleplaying 2e (1980)
- RuneQuest 2e (1979)
- Bushido 1e (1979)
- The Complete Warlock (1978)
- RuneQuest 1e (1978)
- Gamma World 1e (1978)
- AD&D 1e (1977)
- Basic D&D (1977)
- The Arduin Grimoire (1977)
- Traveller (1977)
- Bifrost (1977)
- Metamorphosis Alpha (1976)
- Empire of the Petal Throne (1975)
- Dungeons & Dragons (1974)