I would not call myself published, but this page collects together various bits and pieces of named & dated media.

Standards Documents

(2023) Unicode Proposal to encode Geomantic Figures

See Geomantic Figures Proposal for details.

Talks & Presentations

(2023) “An Occult History of Computing”

Presented at Code Camp Wellington. A history of computing through the lens of magic.

Summary: Is computing magic? Are there connections with the occult in the history of computing? What does it mean when we talk about computers as magic or programmers as wizards?

Bio: Neither an occultist nor a historian, I’ve worked as a software engineer entirely remotely for over nine years. This is enough time to develop many Alone Thoughts, which I hope to share with you. My interests run the gamut of software development. My work history is in building and running software services at scale, although I have recently moved into breaking them (offensive research). I’m deeply interested in the humanistic aspects of software and attempting to empower rather than disempower users.

Not recorded but I hope to repurpose this into a recorded video or article(s) at some point.

See also the sources list for this presentation.

(2018) Functions for nothing, and your tests for free

Property-based testing and F#. Presented at the Melbourne (Australia) ALT.NET meetup.

Code Contributions

This is probably the biggest area but it is yet to be filled.